Having now turned from things that were grieving and quenching the Spirit, in this week we prayerfully welcome His fullness and power. May there be a sense of hunger and holy desperation as we pray for a fresh outpouring and infilling of the Holy Spirit on our lives and in our churches. Come, Holy Spirit!


Mark. 1:8

“I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit is introduced in Genesis 1. Throughout the Old Testament we see the Spirit moving with power among God’s people. In the gospels, John the Baptist declared there is One more powerful who will come. “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mk. 1:8).

In John 14–16 Jesus introduced the “Alongsider” (paraclete means “called to one’s side”), raising high expectations of the One coming after Him. After the Resurrection, Jesus spoke again about this promised gift. “. . . in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:4, 5).

But it wasn’t until Jesus had been gone for 50 days that the Holy Spirit blew through the small band of followers, baptizing them with miraculous dunamis (“power to do”). Acts tells compellingly of a new power for living the gospel—preaching, helping the disadvantaged, worshiping, praying, and healing. And when we meet Paul on his third missionary journey about 20 years later, he’s in the city of Ephesus with a group of believers. “Hey guys! Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? No? You haven’t even heard of Him? Let me introduce you!” (see Acts 19:1–6). And the Holy Spirit came with power just as Christ promised.

A thrilling expectation accompanies these introductions. The Holy Spirit flames uniquely before us in truth, advocacy, comfort, and power. Come! Meet this Person yourself; Jesus longs to baptize you.


1. Reflect on how you first met Jesus. Thank the Holy Spirit for the hunger planted in you, and remember key growth points since that time. Then enjoy the memory of your “second baptism.” Spend time in gratefulness and joy.

2. If you don’t have a clear moment when you were filled by the Spirit, declare your desire to meet Him. Position your body to indicate your openness (open your hands, kneel, etc.).

3. Pray the following: “Come, Holy Spirit, as the transforming Alongsider promised by Jesus. Grow my capacity to receive all I need from You. Transform my comprehension; instruct me in truth; comfort and strengthen me; fill me with an ability to introduce You to others. I want to know You. I desire to be transformed by You. Come!”
