WEEK 2 - Repentence
This week, we will allow the spotlight to turn inward. As we pray, we will open our lives to a deep search and cleansing by the Holy Spirit. While repenting of our own sinful attitudes and behaviors, we will also pray prayers of repentance for our nation, which has turned away from God and His truth and has not valued the precious gift of life.
John. 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
As believers we experience two kinds of repentance: one that ushers the natural man from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of light and one that restores the sin-laden disciple to whiter-than-snow purity.
Many Christians live as though God’s forgiving grace applies primarily—if not only—to the “first” repentance—the act of justification at conversion. We offer eternal gratitude for this metamorphic act of salvation while often overlooking our desperate need for His daily mercy and forgiveness as we stumble into sin.
This verse brings two simple truths to light that are essential to our ongoing spiritual growth and renewal: (1) Christians—no matter how devout—continue to sin; and (2) God the Father, because of His boundless love for us, made allowance for our transgressions through His Son’s shed blood—the source of a vast flowing fountain of grace that washes away ALL our sins.
So, what should we do when we fall? John admonishes us to confess our sins to Jesus—who promises to forgive and purify. We simply need to trust in His faithfulness and take His promise at its word.
1. Using Psalm 139:33–34 as your prayer, ask God to help reveal your current sinful behavior.
2. Acknowledge and confess these sins, asking for Christ’s forgiveness.
3. Give thanks for His faithfulness and celebrate the purity He restores through His shed blood.