Having now turned from things that were grieving and quenching the Spirit, in this week we prayerfully welcome His fullness and power. May there be a sense of hunger and holy desperation as we pray for a fresh outpouring and infilling of the Holy Spirit on our lives and in our churches. Come, Holy Spirit!


Ezekiel 1:10

As for the likeness of their faces, each had a human face. The four had the face of a lion on the right side, the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and the four had the face of an eagle.

In Ezekiel 1, the prophet had lost his country, his career as a priest, and his future. The hand of God was upon him in a foreign land. He then saw a heavenly vision of four living creatures— each had the face of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (see Ezekiel 1:10). The lion is the king of the beasts, the ox the king of livestock, the eagle the king of the sky, and the human the king of all creatures. Later, Ezekiel saw the Lord enthroned in all His glory. He fell on his face.

When the apostle John was imprisoned in Patmos, he too saw four living creatures while in the Spirit: one like a lion, the second like an ox, the third with a face like a man, and the fourth like an eagle, worshiping the one on the throne (see Revelation 4:7). Like Ezekiel, John fell as though dead.

We’ve also seen God’s glory in our journey. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn. 1:14). Jesus is the glory of the Father, and the cross was the climax of His glory. We have all seen His glory in the cross. We fell at His feet and wept in the presence of the Spirit.

The apostle Paul said, “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Cor. 3:18).


1. Recall a moment you wept in the presence of the Spirit. Ask the Lord to open your heart, then pour out your heart and share with the Lord your feelings.

2. Declare to the Lord the words from your soul to bring Him what He deserves.

3. Express your deep desire and longing to see His glory in the presence of the Spirit.
