Having now turned from things that were grieving and quenching the Spirit, in this week we prayerfully welcome His fullness and power. May there be a sense of hunger and holy desperation as we pray for a fresh outpouring and infilling of the Holy Spirit on our lives and in our churches. Come, Holy Spirit!


Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8

We’ve all seen the classic horror scene with the hand reaching from the grave to snag an unsuspecting soul back into the depths. While it’s easy to dismiss this macabre imagery as the fabrication of a fright-mongering filmmaker, we can’t as easily dismiss the reality that the old man we “put to death” often reaches from the grave to try to drag us back.

Therein lies the trap that leaves us vulnerable and unsuspecting: our mistaken assumption that the old man will rest in his banished torment and cease to be a threat. Scripture offers a threefold warfare plan to help us avoid ambush.

Be watchful. 1 Peter 5:8

Our old, sinful nature—along with the enemy who arouses it—lies in wait for any opportunity to strike. Like a predator seeking its prey, it launches its attacks when we are tired, weak, and vulnerable. Jesus warned His disciples of this in that crucial hour (see Matthew 26:41).

Suit up for daily battle. Ephesians 6:10–18

Although it’s true that Jesus conquered sin and death once and for all, He still leads us into daily battle to retain—and sometimes reclaim—the territory He won. The armor He furnished us is to be kept battle ready and donned daily—not left rusting in a closet to be hastily retrieved after the enemy has already stormed the gates.

Dwell in protected territory. Psalm 91:1-16

Although our battle-readiness sometimes requires that we advance into enemy territory to reclaim a hill, we must always retreat back to the place of protection and restoration: Our Refuge. Mighty Fortress. Strong Tower. Hiding Place. The soul finds its rest—and its righteousness— in the shadow of the Almighty.


1. Read 1 Peter 5:8, asking the Lord to keep you watchful throughout the day.

2. Read Ephesians 6:10–18 and put on the full armor piece by piece as you pray.

3. Read Psalm 91, reflecting on how His shadow protects you from the “old nature.”
