Our focus during this first week is on the Person of God and His attributes. Our Triune God is perfect in holiness and in all of His other attributes. As we see Him for who He is, see Him in the fullness of His glory, may we be drawn to a posture of worship before Him. He is perfectly worthy!


Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed (Rev. 15:4).

While growing up, I was surrounded by adults who often coupled God’s holiness with an emphasis on His otherness. Stories relating to His wrath and destruction seemed to further underscore a distance from humanity. In a young child’s mind, this boiled down to an oversimplified and inaccurate formula: holy = far off.

Therefore, it was a delight to mature into the understanding that while God’s holiness is irrevocably linked to His eternal power and glory, it permeates all He is and does. This is not a characteristic that exists solely to be displayed and admired from a distance. Rather, His holiness is linked and compellingly displayed in a sustained posture of leaning toward His creation in pursuit of relationship with us. He is not a holy God who stands far off but one who:

• Comes down in the cool of the evening to walk in the garden and talk;

• Speaks to Moses from a burning bush and completely redirects his life;

• Leads, accompanies, and protects the Israelites in the form of fire and cloud;

• Sends detailed artistic instructions for the tabernacle and comes to dwell with His people;

• Takes on the limitations of a human body to assure us He is indeed acquainted with our grief;

• Provides His Holy Spirit to lead us into the pursuit of deeper relationship with Him;

• Empowers us to pattern our lives after His holiness; and

• Chooses us as conduits of His holiness as we connect with those around us.

God’s holiness can flow through every area of our lives as it motivates, propels, discerns, convicts, reaches, and impacts.


1. Show me what aspects of my life are far off from Your holiness.

2. How would You have me serve as a conduit of Your holiness and to whom?

3. Remind me of Your holy and faithful posture of leaning toward me.
