Our focus during this first week is on the Person of God and His attributes. Our Triune God is perfect in holiness and in all of His other attributes. As we see Him for who He is, see Him in the fullness of His glory, may we be drawn to a posture of worship before Him. He is perfectly worthy!
The promises of God are guaranteed by His own eternal name. When Moses doubts God’s promise to bring Israel out of Egypt, God guarantees His word by saying, “I will be with you” (Exod. 3:12a). He then signs that promissory note with His name, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exod. 3:14). He is an eternal God—not an “I WAS” of the past nor an “I WILL BE” of the future but the great “I AM”—always present in our every area of need. No wonder “I AM” becomes the personal name of God in the Old Testament, the Lord.
Obstacles to God’s promises are opportunities to draw on His guarantees and learn new facets of His name. When Israel faced bitter water and cried out to the Lord, He sweetened the water and revealed Himself as “. . . the Lord, who heals you” (Exod. 15:26b). When they are overwhelmed in battle and lifted up in prayer, they overcome and realize, “The Lord is my Banner” (Exod. 17:15). When the Israelites sin with the golden calf and plead for mercy, they are forgiven and discover “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness” (Exod. 34:6). Every challenge they faced became a fresh encounter with new facets of the Lord’s name.
Therefore, we do not fear our challenges. Instead we cry out to the Lord, the eternal God, who is big enough for our problems. Because God is eternal, the riches of His resources never run dry for our troubles. We do not only look forward to seeing His deliverance but also to learning more fully new facets of His name. What new facets of the Lord’s name will He reveal through your challenges today?
1. Praise God by speaking His names.
2. Thank God that problems are opportunities to encounter new facets of His presence.
3. Commit your problems to Him today so you may see His deliverance and experience more of His presence.