During His Incarnation, the glory of Christ is often veiled, and we see His humility. But His glory has existed from eternity past and will continue into eternity future. Even during His Incarnation, His glory is seen from time to time. This week’s devotionals unpack various aspects of the glory of Christ so that we will find ourselves caught up in worship.
9 And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10 And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes,11 and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.” Acts 1:9-11
Have you ever caught yourself just ‘standing around?’ At times, standing around is purpose- ful. You might be waiting for the bus or train. Perhaps you’re waiting for the person in front of you to place their order so that you can place yours. These few examples alone should be enough for you to recognize that this kind of standing around is not in vain.
But what about when you find yourself standing around in an emotional, mental, or spiritual state of paralysis? Life is happening all around you, and though you are physically moving, you feel . . . stuck. Again, I ask you, have you ever caught yourself ‘standing around?’
Two angels ask the disciples why they are standing and looking up toward the sky. Isn’t it obvious? They are staring up toward their hope. Jesus is leaving again; yet this time, no one is running or hiding for their lives. Jesus ascends to heaven, and though I would imagine the disciples experience a bit of grief, they also have hope. This is an example of actively standing and waiting. Their eyes are transfixed on their King who is leaving; but this time, He is leaving in victory, not breathing out His final breath on the cross. Their beholding will not be in vain—Jesus will one day return in the same way they saw Him ascend.
Our standing and waiting need not get in the way of our active participation of Jesus’ will for this world. The disciples beheld and got to work. We are challenged to do the same.
1. Pray that the Lord will reveal to you areas that you might be standing around and not trusting in the victory of Jesus Christ.
2. Are you lacking in beholding or in actively participating? Ask God to give you strength and wisdom to become an active participant.
3. What would change in your life if you truly believed He will return in the same way He ascended? Ask Jesus to grow your faith.