Jesus did not leave us as orphans; rather, He sent His Holy Spirit to indwell and fill those who put their trust in Him. This week, we will explore various aspects of the Spirit’s ministry to us. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be present and to open up your eyes and heart.
John 16:8-11
8 And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me;10 concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; 11 concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.
I love math. I love numbers and how they seemingly show up in everything. I can count my steps, cups of coffee, miles per gallon, activity time on my cell phone, and on and on. In college, I took a high-level math class and got behind, became discouraged, and just quit trying. We get behind, and we tend to give up.
The same seems to be true in our spiritual lives. We get behind in obedience, in maintaining spiritual disciplines, in our walk with Jesus, and we give up. We begin to live with a low-grade guilt that lurks around everything.
The good news is that Jesus tells us, through the apostle John, that we have a Helper—one who will “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” The very Spirit of Christ points to our wrong (sin), our thinking (righteousness), and our decisions ( judgment).
Conviction can expose our sin, our righteousness, and our judgment. The Holy Spirit con- stantly sheds light in dark places to bring reconciliation with God when we get behind or feel like giving up.
Conviction can also convince us that God is pleased when we do not sin, when we think rightly, and make decisions to follow Him. The Spirit’s conviction, surprisingly, can be posi- tive—God affirming us when we give into Him rather than giving up.
What a Savior!
1. Is the Spirit exposing an action, pattern of thinking, or decision that needs changing? Ask Him to reveal it to you.
2. Pray that the Lord would bring to light areas of your life that are pleasing to Him.
3. Ask the Lord to reveal ways you can better serve Him.