Scripture- Jeremiah 1:7; Matthew 25:35-40; Mark 16:15
“Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth.’” —Jeremiah 1:9
God’s Word encourages us with stories of people who, on the exterior, may not appear to be likely candidates to spread the good news of the Kingdom; but their interior life tells a different story. People God uses in Kingdom advance are not favorites; they are intimates who take the hand of the Father in prayer.
One of my fondest memories of my “steelworker” Dad was of him walking me to school during kin- dergarten. Each day, he would take my hand and walk me to the Juniata Terrace Elementary School. At the end of the day, he would be there again to take my hand, hear what I had learned, and walk me home. It’s the same when we take the hand of the Father in prayer. When we are intimate with God, we sense His presence and hear His promptings, which come to us in prayer. When we move into prayer that is intimate conversation with our Father, we take His hand just as Jesus told us to do, praying, “Our Father in heaven. . .” In the presence of the Father, we bring our petitions to Him and then respond to His promptings to take His Word to a lost world around us. What is your petition today? Will you take the Father’s hand and ask?
Use this simple prayer pattern to take the Father’s hand today, sensing His presence and hearing and responding to His promptings.
You are great, and You are good. I need Your help.
They need Your help.
Heal me and forgive me.
Thank You.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
(Taken from Before Amen by Max Lucado)
By Joel Smith