Monday - John 3:1-21
Tuesday - John 16:1-15
Wednesday - Acts 2:1-21
Thursday - 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Friday - Ephesians 5:1-21
Monday - John 3:1-21
Tuesday - John 16:1-15
Wednesday - Acts 2:1-21
Thursday - 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
Friday - Ephesians 5:1-21
Monday - John 13:21-38
Tuesday - Mark 14:17-31
Wednesday - Luke 22:54-62
Thursday - John 18:15-27
Friday - John 21:1-19
Monday - Luke 24:1-12
Tuesday -Luke 24:13-32
Wednesday - Luke 24:33-48
Thursday - John 20:1-18
Friday - John 20:19-31
Monday - Matthew 26:1-30
Tuesday - Luke 22:39-62
Wednesday - John 18:19-40
Thursday - Luke 23:26-56
Friday - Luke 24:1-53
Monday - Matthew 20:1-28
Tuesday - John 11:38-57
Wednesday - Zechariah 9:9-17
Thursday - Matthew 21:1-17
Friday - Luke 19:28-48
Monday - Jude 1:1-25
Tuesday - Numbers 16:12-35
Wednesday - 1 Timothy 4:1-10
Thursday - Galatians 6:1-10
Friday - James 5:1-11
Monday - Jude 1:1-25
Tuesday - 2nd John 1:1-13
Wednesday - John 13:31-38
Thursday - John 15:1-17
Friday - 3rd john 1:1-15
Monday - Philemon 1:1-25
Tuesday - Colossians 4:1-18
Wednesday - Acts 28:11-31
Thursday - 1 Thessalonians 2:1-20
Friday - Romans 16:1-27
Monday - Genesis 35:27-36:8
Tuesday - Numbers 20:14-21
Wednesday - 1 Samuel 22:11-23
Thursday - Psalm 137:1-9
Friday - Obadiah 1:1-21
Monday - Matthew 9:27-37
Tuesday - Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:1-11
Wednesday - Acts 2:41-47
Thursday - James 1:19-27
Friday - Acts 28:17-31
Monday - James 2:-4-26
Tuesday - John 8:1-11
Wednesday - Galatians 2:11-21
Thursday - John 13:1-35
Friday - John 17:1-26
Scripture- Exodus 15:18; Psalm 145:13; Daniel 4:3
My friends and the youth I serve often tease me because one of my favorite places to go for quiet reflection is the cemetery. When I first started visiting the cemetery, I didn’t know anyone who was buried there, but sadly I do now. Nevertheless, it’s a place I go to talk to Jesus, to slow down, and to remember that the time I have here is limited. Though I find comfort in knowing that this life is temporary, I confess that the thought of eternity sometimes scares me. I can’t wrap my head around “forever.”
It’s overwhelming to think that those who have passed before us are already experiencing “forev- er,” either with Jesus or eternally separated from Him. While dwelling too long on “forever” can be frightening, I find comfort in knowing that in the “forever” that I will experience, the Lord—our good, good King—reigns. While whatever peace and goodness we experience here is often overthrown by heartache and evil, the goodness, faithfulness, and kindness of God rules over the whole universe forever. There will be no end to His wonderful and mighty dominion. In moments when life is hard, dark, and heartbreaking, let us remember that our God is on His throne, that His goodness reigns supreme, and that one day we will see it with our own eyes and enjoy it forever.
Our Father,
You have put eternity in our hearts to remind us that we have been made for more than what our eyes can see, what our hands can touch, and what our minds can conceive. I praise You because You are the God whose wonders are mighty and whose Kingdom is everlasting. Jesus, by Your Resurrection, You have provided the foundation of our hope—that the day we are absent from the body, we will be present with You. Holy Spirit, please help us today to set our minds on things above and live faithfully for You. Amen.
By Betty Morejon
Scripture- Matthew 24:14; Romans 10:13-15
It happened again—someone added something new to Scripture. I’ve read it many, many times before, but clearly that phrase is new since last I read through the Word. The first part of the verse I’ve heard and even preached on: “Therefore [Jesus] is able to save completely those who come to God through him” (Heb. 7:25a). These are powerful words on their own, but someone snuck in an added phrase: “ . . . because [Jesus] always lives to intercede for them” (Heb. 7:25b). I had never seen that before; at least it had never registered until the Spirit pointed it out this time.
Yes, Jesus modeled a powerful prayer life while on earth. Jesus taught us how to pray. But here and now, I find that He, sitting beside Abba in heaven, is always interceding for me. It stands to reason that He prays more wisely than I do, with more power than I have, with greater insight than I ever could have, and with knowledge of the future that I could only wish for. My grocery list of prayer pleas and Christmas lists of requests seem somehow less needed when I discover Jesus is already always praying for me and with me. Yes, I should still share my heart in prayer, but I find I can more easily abide in Him with hope and rest when I realize that He is already, always, powerfully, wisely praying for and with us.
You have granted grace and salvation; I am eternally grateful. Further, You’ve gifted me with the companionship of the Spirit. I couldn’t imagine life otherwise. Beyond that, You continue to labor in love on my behalf by always interceding for and with me. Seeing the powerful impact of Your prayer life while You walked in this world makes me take a deep breath of hope as I abide in the reality that You are praying for my life and journey in the same all-powerful way. And here I exhale in rest, peace, and hope. Amen.
By Jeff Miller
Scripture- Genesis 1-3; Romans 3:23
God is good and can be trusted. He made a beautiful garden for mankind to live in and rule and then blessed us to be fruitful and increase in number. Sin entered the world through Eve and Adam’s choice to break the boundary God established when He told them they must not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or they would die. We see this sinful nature even in two-year-olds who walk directly toward the very thing their parents told them not to touch. I, too, have moments when I willfully disobey what God asks of me. God wanted Adam and Eve to freely choose obedience out of love for Him, but their choice to do their own thing led to separation from Him (see Gen. 1-3 and Rom. 3:23).
But the story doesn’t end here. God would not allow sinful separation to be the final word. He had a redemptive plan for us in the same way good parents have a redemptive plan for their two-year-olds. God’s heart is revealed in 2 Peter 3:9, which reads, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God’s plan is freely offered and available to all people, and though He knows not all people will choose Him, He will never stop His loving pursuit. Will you trust His redemptive plan for your life today?
Thank you for free will. I repent of my momentary lapses of defiant willfulness to go my own way and do my own thing. I surrender to Your Lordship. I acknowledge that I do not know better than You, and I will continue to come into Your presence and wait for Your direction before I act. I will trust Your ways, especially when I cannot see around the corner, because Your redemptive plan for my life is good. Thank You for always desiring deeper intimacy with me. I say “yes” to Your tender invitation to choose You. Amen.
By Wanda Walborn
Scripture- Titus 2:13
I ensure my future by remembering the past.
We’ve all gone through difficult moments in life. Sometimes we walk through circumstances that are adverse to us. But when we focus too heavily on our problems, we often lose sight of the blessing that God is more powerful than any situation we are experiencing. We cannot deny that the problem is there, that it troubles us, that it robs us of our joy and our hope. In our worst moments, we feel that heaven is closed to us. How can we escape these paralyzing thoughts?
The psalmist reminds us whom we serve: the Creator of the heaven and earth, the omnipotent Maker of wonders. He is always good. His love is everlasting. We must proclaim these truths with boldness and gratitude. We must take Scripture at face value and remember that there is no one like Him! If He is omnipotent, is anything too difficult for Him?
Regardless of your circumstance, declare the greatness of our God! Remember that He will work for His name to continue to be glorified in all things. His Word reassures us that He is always in control of every situation—even those we are not aware of. And in each of them, His purposes will be fulfilled!
How long should I wait for Him to answer? Knowing that His plans are always for His own glory and my own good, we must not lose hope or be discouraged—or least of all, tire of praying. Continue proclaiming that He is a doer of wonders and that His works are perfect.
Lord Jesus,
I believe that You are the almighty Creator and Sustainer of everything that exists. As I am Your child, You’ll take care of my life and family. I know that You will care for the things that worry me because You seek to help Your children. I am experiencing situations that I cannot understand, but I look at the past, and the Scriptures remind me that You are good, that Your love is everlasting, that You are the omnipotent Doer of wonders, and nothing is impossible for You! Amen.
By Eliat Aponte
For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.
When we look around this fallen world, we see and hear so many incidents that seem so unjust and evil. If we let those things sink deep into our minds, we can easily fall into frustration and even have our faith come down with doubts and questions about the future. As children of God, this is where we are called to deepen our roots in His Word and grow in our faith. As the Word says in John 15:5, abiding in the relationship of Jesus
is the key for us to have hope in this world as Jesus has promised that He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much
fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” We need to believe that our Lord is in control of everything in our life. Hence, prayer becomes an expression of hope. So, how do we use our personal and corporate prayer time as an expression of hope? In what ways could prayer effectively build believers to become His witnesses in this fallen world?
By David and Ty King
Scripture- Daniel 7:25
Each week, Christian churches gather together and proclaim songs of God’s victory such as, “The Battle Belongs to the Lord!” These songs are both a declaration and a reminder that no enemy can defeat God and His people. This refreshes our faith and challenges us not to get short-sighted when troubles find us, knowing that our sovereign King has already won.
In Daniel 7, Daniel’s vision reveals coming kings and kingdoms who subdue the earth. A final king rises up, oppressing God’s people. But afterward, Daniel sees that “all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him” (Dan. 7:27). God’s eternal victory is guaranteed.
A friend shared with me three “p’s” to consider in the midst of present suffering and temporal defeat, to which I will add a fourth. The first is “presence.” God is with us in the midst of trials. He will never leave us nor forsake us. The second is “prayer.” Petition for God’s mighty hand to deliver you while accepting and acknowledging your desire to see His will accomplished regardless of personal pain. Pray for peace regardless of the outcome. Third is “perspective.” Reframe your thoughts from temporary sufferings to the eternal victory promised by God. And finally, “perseverance.” We run the race set before us, which is an arduous journey guaranteed to contain troubles. We must not give up! God will lead us to victory!
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father,
Yours is the power, glory, and honor forever.
Lead us to victory in Jesus. Help us not to despair in the midst of temporal pain but set our eyes on the eternal hope of glory that we might run well this race that You have set before us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
By Jerry Henderson
Scripture- Matthew 6:13
You may be familiar with the passage on Jesus and His temptations but have possibly missed a very key aspect: Jesus wasn’t there by accident, but rather the Holy Spirit led Him into the desert for the expressed purposed of being tempted by Satan. This may seem at odds with the Lord’s Prayer, “. . . lead us not into temptation . . .” (Matt. 6:13). However, it gives insight into God’s relationship with us. God could shield us from all temptation, but He desires for us to trust Him to deliver us, to equip us to face our enemy head-on. The Lord has given us His authority, His power, and His purpose. All it takes to access those tools and weapons is our faith in Christ.
When Jesus was in the desert, He used Scripture to combat the lies of the devil. He also stood firm in His authority, in His sonship, and in His purpose. Using that example, it is clear that our greatest weapon against the enemy is intimacy with the Father. The closer we draw to the heart of the Father, knowing His Word, the more effective we are against the powers and principalities of this world. When temptation comes, our knowledge of our firm place in the Kingdom of God and our connection to the love of the Father will give us the same strength we see Jesus exercise in Matthew 4 when He said, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’”
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for Your presence in our lives. Thank You that You knew us and loved us and chose us long before the creation of the world. We stand righteous and redeemed because of Your sacrifice on the cross and because of Your great love for us.
Because of that, the enemy has no ground on which he can accuse us and no weapon with which he can attack us. Draw us more and more near to Your heart, and forgive us when we doubt.
We ask all this in Your holy name, Jesus. Amen
By Paul Garcia
Scripture- Ephesians 6:8
You must remember that each day God permits you life on this planet, you are engaged in spiritual warfare. This is not simply a descriptive statement (acknowledging a truth). For the Christian, this is a prescriptive statement (a truth you must act on).
When Paul talks about putting on the armor of God to the Ephesian Christians (Eph. 6:10-18), he makes it clear that it is a necessary first step for every Christian. It is the armor of God that gives you the strength to stand firm (v. 11), fight against the mighty powers of darkness who rule this world (v. 12), and be fully prepared for what He is calling you to (v. 15).
Are you feeling spiritually exhausted? Defeated? Overwhelmed? Unprepared? Are you ready to retreat? Circle the wagons? Wave the white flag of surrender to the world around you? Is the enemy too great and your own strength too small?
Your Father promises you His strength and victory when you lay down your armor and weapons and take up His. Don’t be fooled into thinking that acknowledging this truth is the same as acting on it. Paul’s final encouragement in this passage is to “pray at all times and on every occasion” (v. 18).
Make it a point today to spend time with Him in prayer. Confess your dependence on Him. Don’t stop praying until you are encircled with His peace. Meditate on Scripture. Consider His truth and righteousness. His armor brings the victory today. Put it on, Christian!
You have called me to spiritual warfare today. Without You, I cannot win. If I fight this battle on my own, defeat is certain. Fill me with Your peace today. Remind me of who You are. You are the God of truth. You are the God of righteousness. You are the God of salvation. I confess my dependence on Your Holy Spirit. Replace my exhaustion with Your joy and my fear with Your boldness. Fill me with Your strength that I may stand firm and fight faithfully today.
By Justin Dubose
Scripture- Psalm 125
“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” —Psalm 125:1-2
In 2018, I was assigned to Hill Air Force Base, Utah, which is nestled at the foot of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains. When we arrived, we were awestruck by how huge the mountains were and how close they seemed. They were especially beautiful in the winter—snowcapped and strong, always there, always present.
One morning, I got up early, weary and worried, looking to pray regarding the uncertainty of the future we were facing at the time. I opened my Bible and landed on the above Psalm. After I read these words, I looked out and saw those steady and strong mountains literally surrounding our house. I felt God saying, “You see those mountains there? That’s how present I am with you. Do you trust that those mountains can’t be shaken? Neither can I, because I made them. So trust in me. I’m surrounding you. I’m protecting you. I will not be moved from you, my child.”
When we are in times of difficulty and stress, it can often seem like God is distant. At times, we look for answers or rescue and there seems to be none. This is a reminder that regardless of the trouble we face, God is surrounding us with protection and provision both now and forever.
When it seems like we are being surrounded by attacks and adversity, may we remember that You do not forsake Your people. Rather, You surround us with Your presence. You are a God who cares for His people and longs for us to cast our cares upon You. We thank You for Your Spirit that guides us in truth, comforts us in our pain, and guards our hearts and minds with Your peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
By Gabe Lawson