Forty Days of Prayer Day 9


Forty Days of Prayer Day 9



Scripture- Matthew 13

Dallas Willard said, “You can’t think correctly about life or the church without first thinking correctly about the Kingdom.” Being kingdom-minded is paramount and priority. For Jesus, the Kingdom was the priority. The Kingdom was part of His first sermon (Mark 1:14-15), what He preached regularly (Luke 8:1), what He talked about for the last 40 days He walked this earth (Acts 1:3), and what He taught His disciples to pray (Matt. 6:9-10), proclaim (Matt. 10:7) and pursue (Matt. 6:33).

Maybe we have lost the priority of the Kingdom somewhere in the midst of our Western ideas of a kingdom, our democratic perspective on governance, our misunderstanding of the relationship be- tween the Church and the Kingdom, or our theological constructs.

In Matthew 13, Jesus tells seven parables all related to the Kingdom. In the midst of those parables, Jesus says that the “secrets” of the Kingdom have been given to those who belong to the Kingdom. Being Kingdom-minded means we are aware of the secrets and pursue a deeper understanding of those secrets and how to live them out as Kingdom people.

The question is, “Are we Kingdom-minded?” The answer is found in how we live our lives. Characteristics of a Kingdom lifestyle are discovered throughout the “secrets” of Matthew 13. Kingdom-minded people bear fruit, live distinctively, live incarnationally, see transformation regularly, act counter-culturally, pursue continually, and live sacrificially.


To our King,

We are grateful to have experienced the great joy of being redeemed out of the kingdom of darkness and made citizens of Your Kingdom. We are grateful to be included among those to whom the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom has been given.

We ask, Lord, that You would enable us to steward Kingdom secrets well,

to seek first, to treasure dearly, and understand fully Your Kingdom. As ambassadors of Your Kingdom in this world, we ask for eyes to see open doors and boldness to declare the gospel of the Kingdom to all nations. Amen.

By Todd Sovine


Forty Days of Prayer Day 8


Forty Days of Prayer Day 8



Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

The Kingdom is where the King rules. Dallas Willard describes the Kingdom as “God in action.” A large portion of Jesus’ teaching was about His Kingdom—defining it, describing it, parables that illustrate it. The people of God’s Kingdom can participate with Him where we live, work, play, and worship—but are we? Do people see our Alliance churches and Alliance members partnering with King Jesus so that His will is done? May the focus of our prayers release God’s Kingdom and reveal!

By David and Ty King


Forty Days of Prayer Day 7


Forty Days of Prayer Day 7



Scripture: 1 John 3:1

Lord, I call upon Your name and give You praise. I worship You now, Lord, and acknowledge Your rightful place upon the throne in my heart, for the great love You so lavishly pour out upon me daily. Lord, remind my heart this day that I am a child of God set apart from this world by Your grace, love, and acceptance. Breathe Your Holy Spirit upon me, Lord, so that I may feel Your loving embrace. En- compass me in Your fatherly love—love that is unconditional, unfailing, and forever present in our lives.

Lord, turn Your face towards me so that I may be reminded of Your great love for me. Reveal to me my value as a child of God, for You loved me long before I was ever formed. May Your presence go before me so that those I encounter may know the glory of Your great name by the reflection of Your presence in my life.



Thank You for the consistent love You freely give us daily. Lord, fill this space with Your holy presence. May Your presence go before me. Guide my steps, Lord, that I may glorify You more with each passing day. May this prayer ring out as an anthem of my heart’s desire to draw closer to You. May my heart sing praises to Your name for Your love for me is true and unconditional. Amen.

By Katerina Cook


Forty Days of Prayer Day 6


Forty Days of Prayer Day 6



Scripture: Colossians 1:16-17

Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him (Heb. 11:6). These words are so profound that we must wonder if we truly understand the magnitude of the statement. Many people pray but are unaware of who they are praying to. Perhaps they are just hoping there is someone out there listening to them. Perhaps they are praying out of formality. However, when the Christian prays, they do so with the assurance that they are praying to the one true God. He is the very creator of all that exists in both the physical and spiritual worlds. He has no beginning and no end. He has always existed and will always exist forever. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, and sovereign over all the earth.

And within His infinite power lies His infinite love for us. This love is so great that He sent His only begotten Son to die for our salvation even though we have done nothing to deserve it. We pray to this loving God. We trust that because He loves us, He also hears us. He cares about every detail of our lives and desires an intimate relationship with us.

Oh, what a joy it is that we can come to such a holy God in prayer knowing that He may be reigning in heaven, but He is also reigning in our lives!


Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you in awe of Your glory. There is no other god like You. I thank You today for Your sovereignty and for Your love. Draw nearer to me, Lord, as I draw near to You. I desire to know and love You better each day. Please give Your Church a better appreciation of who You are. Continue to reign supreme in our lives, in our churches, and in our country. It is in Your holy name I pray, amen.

By Sylvia Bennet


Forty Days of Prayer Day 5


Forty Days of Prayer Day 5



Scripture: Psalm 27:4

Change is hard. Transitions are hard. Life is hard.Whether you’re faced with navigating a new city, in the process of mourning, or simply reinventing who you are in a new stage of life, these small shifts in our lives of eternity remind us of the very real fact that we are human, and we are limited—limited to fear, to anxiety, and we are vulnerable to faithlessness.

In one of King David’s darkest moments, he pens this simple yet profound thought—at the end of our unraveling, there is only one thing worth asking in prayer, one thing that will will allow us to throw away our laundry list of prayer requests, and that is to simply be in the presence of the Father.

In this verse, the beauty of the Lord is so much more than something to behold with our eyes, but it is the very power that will allow us to find our footing when the world falls out from underneath our feet. Within the beauty of the Lord lies the authority to destroy and to establish, and King David reminds us of this in these simple lines of text: There is nothing too out of control that cannot be brought into control with one glimpse of heaven.



Forgive us for the times that we inadvertently choose the ugliness of the world over the beauty of Your throne room. Would we be reminded, with every new morning, to recite the words of David and know that You, and only You, King Jesus, are the answer to every need that we will ever have. Would Your grace find us here. In Jesus’ name, amen.

By Eden Krahn


Forty Days of Prayer Day 4


Forty Days of Prayer Day 4



Scripture: Daniel 2:20-22

The God who creates all things with a word, who splits the seas, who orchestrates the universe, who knows each star by name, sees you. The God who clothes the lilies, who feeds the birds, who knows the number of hairs on our head, knows your name. The God who commands the stormy seas to be still, who brings life from a barren womb, who fells fortress walls with sounds of trumpets, hears your cry and sees your pain.

This same God, our Father in heaven, invites His children into His presence, into His very throne room. Through Jesus, the Great “I AM” has restored this safe place of intimate fellowship, a two-way sacred conversation. The holy, almighty, all-powerful, strong, most high God beck- ons us, “Come, abide.” Mindful of our unworthiness yet drawn by His grace-filled, never shattering, always and forever promise of love, we enter, always welcome. We dare draw near. We open our hearts to His listening ear. We listen in turn, in unhindered trust and surrender. He whispers, “Shalom.” We fall into His embrace in thank- fulness and worship.


Abiding with Yahweh

“Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be Your name . . .” El: Strong One

El Elyon: God Most High

Elohim: All-Powerful One, Creator

El Shaddai: All-Sufficient One, Almighty Yahweh: “I AM,” Self-Existent One

El Roi: God Who Sees Me

Immanuel: God with Us, “I AM”

Father, how magnificent is Your name!



When we are confronted with hard news, the kind that rocks our world, the drop-to- our-knees-unable-to-breathe kind of news, we thank You that You invite us to come to You. We are grateful You are the One who “is all wisdom and power . . . controls world events . . . removes kings and sets up other kings” and who walks with us in the darkest of valleys. Father, the more time we spend with You, our mourning turns to praise. Our fear melts into faith. We thank You. We worship You.

By Lisa Voga


Forty Days of Prayer Day 3


Forty Days of Prayer Day 3



Scripture: Exodus 15:11

The holiness of God appears in all our new beginnings—the one that began when He found us at the end of ourselves; the one that began when we learned to trust Him to take the lead; the painful ones and the joyful ones alike. The holy, holy, holy God was there. Because we are His and because He is holy, we are able to begin again.

He is matchless in perfection. He is able to do abundantly more than we can imagine. This God, who knows the beginning and end of all creation, radiates holiness. Yet here He is, enveloping us. He sits beside our spouses at the same time He watches over our children. He walks with our mothers just as He rejoices with our grandmothers in eternity. Can you comprehend it? His holiness surrounds us daily. His holy mercy greets us in the morning with the warmth of the sun. His holy providence guides us as we work, study, and accomplish mundane day-to-day tasks. His holy love pierces through our fears as we lay down to sleep.

As we anticipate the new beginning He is writing for us this year, we can trust in His ever-faithful hand on our lives. We can choose to praise Him with a victory song in the here and now, knowing full well that there is no one like our God: “Who among the gods is like you, Lord? Who is like You—majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?” (Ex. 15:11).


Heavenly Father,

You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end. Would You open our eyes to see Your holiness, not only on the mountaintop but also in the valley. Tune our hearts to sing Your praises as we do the hard and holy work You have set before us.

Forgive us, Lord, for forgetting the majesty of who You are, and help us to remember all that You have done. Until the day You lead us home, Father, teach us to be a holy people who bring glory and honor and power to Your name alone. Amen.

By Gloria Yang


Forty Days of Prayer Day 2


Forty Days of Prayer Day 2



Scripture: Proverbs 18:10

Jesus is our strong tower, protector, refuge, strength, and our source of peace and safety. This is some- thing we cannot find in anything or anywhere from the world. In these past few years, you may have heard the phrase “uncertain times” more than once, and that can be a troubling phrase for us. Uncertain times can cause all sorts of emotions because it means we might not have walked that road before or cannot predict what is happening. However, if we look to the truth found in Proverbs 18:10, we see that God has given us the promise that in these very times, He is our strong tower and the One we should be running towards instead of maybe trying to change our circumstances.

Security can’t be found in circumstances. Circumstances can change. They can take us by surprise. But God, our fortress, our strong tower, never changes, and nothing ever catches Him by surprise. No other person, and nothing else on this earth, can bring us the peace and safety that He can . . . and does . . . and will. So, as we step into another year, no matter what you experience, no matter how uncertain the times may be, you can be certain of this: Your help comes from the Lord your God. So let’s run to Him and stand firm in Him and live in the certainty of His love and provision for us.


Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your faithfulness and unconditional love for us. Thank You for Your open arms holding us tight and being our safe place in the midst of any uncertain times. Help us to always run to You, to keep our eyes fixed on You, and to never forget Your promises. Convict us when our time and energy is spent on anything other than something that brings glory to Your name. Guide us on our individual paths to remember You are always here regardless of how uncertain the journey or times seem.

In Your precious and holy name, amen

By Darea Hastie


Forty Days of Prayer Day 1


Forty Days of Prayer Day 1



Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15

Prayer is our invitation to commune with God Himself and in its purest form, begins as worship simply by addressing Our Father in heaven. We acknowledge His place in the world and our lives. We honor His name and His power. The spoken words to a loving Heavenly Father are a testament to His authority and divinity. Our prayers are futile if they are directed toward any other entity. We worship our Father when we acknowledge His rightful place on the throne, and we express our faith in a sovereign God when we make known our requests. To pray is to worship. -by David and Ty King


Bible Reading Plan - Week of December 19th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of December 19th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, December 25th

Monday - Matthew 1:18-25

Tuesday - Matthew 2:1-12

Wednesday - Revelation 12:1-12

Thursday - Matthew 2:13-23

Friday - Hebrews 9:27-10:10


Bible Reading Plan - Week of December 12th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of December 12th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, December 18th

Monday - John 1:1-18

Tuesday - Genesis 3:8-15

Wednesday - Isaiah 11:1-10

Thursday - Isaiah 40:1-11

Friday - Matthew 1:1-17


Bible Reading Plan - Week of November 14th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of November 14th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, November 20th

Monday - Daniel 10:1-21

Tuesday - Daniel 11:1-45

Wednesday - Daniel 12:1-13

Thursday - Ephesians 6:10-20

Friday - 1 Corinthians 3:5-17


Bible Reading Plan - Week of November 7th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of November 7th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, November 13th

Monday - Daniel 8:1-27

Tuesday - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

Wednesday - Daniel 9:1-27

Thursday - Jeremiah 25:1-14

Friday - Matthew 24:15-44


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 31st


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 31st

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, November 6th

Monday - Daniel 7:1-28

Tuesday - Luke 4:1-13

Wednesday - Matthew 26:47-68

Thursday - Revelation 11:15-19

Friday - Revelation 20:7-15


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 24th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 24th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, October 30th

Monday - Daniel 6:1-28

Tuesday - Psalm 5:1-12

Wednesday - Psalm 34:1-22

Thursday - 1 Peter 2:11-17

Friday - 1 Peter 5:1-11


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 17th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 17th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, October 23rd

Monday - Daniel 4:1-37

Tuesday - Daniel 5:1-30

Wednesday - Psalm 2:1-12

Thursday - James 4:1-17

Friday - 1 John 2:12-29


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 10th


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 10th

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, October 16th

Monday - Daniel 3:1-18

Tuesday - Daniel 3:19-30

Wednesday - Exodus 5:1-6:1

Thursday - Psalm 10:1-18

Friday - Matthew 22:15-22


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 3rd


Bible Reading Plan - Week of October 3rd

These passages will prepare you for this week’s sermon which will be preached on Sunday, October 9th

Monday - Daniel 2:1-30

Tuesday - Daniel 2:31-49

Wednesday - Genesis 41:14-45

Thursday - Ephesians 2:11-22

Friday - Matthew 21:33-46
