GLOBAL IMPACT WEEK 2023 - January 15 - 20, 2023
SUNDAY, 1/15
10:30 AM Global Impact Week Kickoff with ECHO Global Farms & the annual Parade of Flags during the Worship Service
5:00 PM Global Impact Week Cook-Out hosted by Student Ministries. Gather for dinner and learn more about our global partners! Let us know you’re coming by CLICKING HERE
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM GIW Day of Prayer : Come to the church anytime between 9 AM - 6 PM for an interactive prayer experience for our local ministry and community partners.
10:30 AM Brunch with Ends of the Earth Cycling: Join us in the Fellowship Hall of the Page Center for a special time with our global ministry partners over brunch! CLICK HERE to let us know you’re coming.
6:30 PM Global Impact Focus at CCSM! Make sure your 6th - 12th grade student is at youth group this week!
7:00 PM Life Group Meet & Greet: Sign up as a Life Group and connect with IW’s to West Africa, Johnathan & Katie Finkbeiner, at the church. If you are not part of a life group, no problem! SIGN UP HERE
FRIDAY, 1/20
6:30 PM Annual International Banquet Pot Luck with Johnathan & Katie Finkbeiner. CLICK HERE to Sign up for this amazing all-church celebration and bring a dish or two to share.